Traffic safety means the essential and important method used in order to keep everyone on the road safe. It helps in the protection of road users from any kind of injury or even death. Vehicle passengers, horse riders, motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians are some of the people who are involved as road users.
On-road safety is one of the essential things which are present for everyone. Going further, here are some of the traffic safety slogans that can help you to know about the different safety rules. They will help you to get a clear idea about the different road safety needs.

30+ Catchy Bike Safety Slogans

  • The bike is for two not for too many
  • Hell is met if you forget your helmet.
  • Safety is gainful, accident is painful.
  • Speed limit… just trim it. Don’t break the law!!!
  • Ride safe and keep others safe too
  • If you don’t practice safety on a bike, then maybe you should just hike
  • Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.
  • If you got ahead, u need a helmet!
  • You may have a two-wheeler or a four-wheeler but safety is for everyone.
  • Cool on the bike, but safety first
  • The road is for all, stay safe and ride safe everyone.
  • We know accidents hurt, so let us prevent them.
  • Always choose safety before stunts.
  • Informed is Better Than Deformed
  • Bike safety rule # 1: Wear a helmet!
  • Stay away from hospitals and hospital beds by wearing your helmet on your head.
  • A helmet on your head will keep you away from a hospital bed!
  • Helmets protect you so do not forget to wear them.
  • Safety does not come second, it always comes first.
  • Speed thrills but kills
  • Keep your eyes on the street, feet on the pedals, and palms on the handles.
  • Whether at work, whether at home, whether on the road, always keep safety rules in mind.

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