Suicide is never an option. You would have heard this thing a lot. But, what is the actual meaning of suicide? Suicide is taking self’s life through different unnatural things. These things include jumping from a building or getting hanged by a fan. It is not recommended to anyone.

Suicide is a thing that shouldn’t be done at any cost. That is why here are some of the anti-suicide slogans that will help you to get away from all the negativity in life. It will help you to have a new life and color them with the best of colors!

Here is a list of 20+ Anti Suicide Slogans worth Reading

  • Kill your problems, not yourself
  • Life is like a cake, try to enjoy it.
  • Your life is not over, your life is important
  • Love life, Live life…stop suicide.
  • Failure is an event – never a person.
  • Once you choose hope, anything’s possible
  • Life is God’s gift, preserve it.
  • When you feel like giving up, just remember the reason why you held on for so long.
  • Stop suicide..Do not destroy what you can’t create.
  • We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.
  • Suicide…you can’t do injustice to yourself.
  • Never, Never, Never Give in…if you’re going through hell, keep going.
  • Suicide is a problem and not a solution.
  • Dont even think to commit a suicide
  • Suicide: Break the Silence. Talk about it. Save a life.
  • Life is like sunshine..absorb it..enjoy it.
  • The greatest glory in living lies in not never falling, but in rising every time we fall.
  • Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark
  • Respect yourself, respect your life…Never commit suicide.
  • There is no pit so deep that God is not deeper still.
  • Look into the eyes of problems, they will run away
  • Don’t blame them after suicides, help them before.
  • Suicide not only HARMS the immediate family but also the COMMUNITY
  • Accept challenges of life like a fighter, don’t quit like a coward.
  • Who will take care of your family
  • Face problem, don’t run from them

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