Strokes are really common in today’s hectic life. It is a medical emergency and the patient should immediately be taken to the hospital. There are various treatments offered for the stroke, but, lessening the stress is one of the main parts. Though, it is curable.
Going further, here are some of the famous strokes slogans which will help you to stay away from the disease and other attacks. Read on to get the experts’ opinion on the same and get educated and relieved from any kind of strokes. Go on reading, and get the best stress life which a person always desire.

15+ Aware Strokes Slogan List

  • Keep your blood pressure in check. Show “strokes” your back!
  • I’m no scaredy-cat, I survived a stroke
  • Say no to stroke. Stay healthy!
  • Stroke awareness, because it matters!
  • Stroke is no fun. Get your checkups done.
  • It came, we fought, I won. Stroke survivor
  • No more ignorance… time to be aware of stroke!
  • “Stroke” patients is of no entertainment! Get yourself proper treatment.
  • Don’t “stroke” your “luck” Get checked out before it’s too late!
  • Love your brain, love your heart… don’t let stroke become your life’s part!
  • Stroke awareness: Courage, Faith, Hope and Strength
  • Let us create a world where there is no room for strokes!
  • Don’t “stroke” your “luck”… Get checked out before it’s too late!
  • Stroke awareness: Courage, Faith, Hope and Strength
  • It came, we fought, I won. Stroke survivor
  • Keep yourself healthy… strokes can make you get filthy!
  • Start caring about your heart and brain. Because stroke will cause you no gain.
  • Keep your blood pressure in the check before stroke chucks you.

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