Children’s day is the day celebrated to mark the innocence of the children. It is done in honor to celebrate the children’s success and happiness. There are different ways of celebrating children’s day. It is an International Day which is celebrated on the 14th of November every year. It is a special tribute to Jawaharlal Nehru, who advocated for children to have fulfilled education. Here are some of the fun as well as informational Children’s day slogans that will help you to know further about this day. Read on to know more about this special day specially dedicated to the children!
Here are some fantastic slogans list that you might use in your school , church, or presentation for Children’s Day
- A day to celebrate the world’s children and the world’s future.
- I stand for Children’s Rights
- Children are a nation’s most valuable assets!
- There are some things, money can’t buy, one of such thing is our childhood, enjoy the spirit of children’s day.
- Children are the hands by which we take hold of the heaven.
- Celebrate our future with the leaders of tomorrow.
- Children are like flowers
- Working on children today promise a better tomorrow.
- Children need to handled with lot of care.
- Children are the most vital asset of a country.
- A day to remember why we’re all here.
- A characteristic of the normal child is he doesn’t act that way very often. -Happy Children’s Day
- Genius is sorrow’s child
- Childhood is the most beautiful of all life’s seasons.
- Celebrate the future – today!
- A child miseducated is a child lost
- Pledge to be nice to every child we meet; one day a history be made with this simple deed!!
- Children make your life critical
- Children are the bricks on which the nation’s foundation is based!
- Never miss an opportunity to tell your child, “I love you”
- Celebrate the people who make our lives worth living.
- Children learn to smile from their parents
- Nurture your children well to create a stronger nation.
- Keep children innocent – today, tomorrow, forever.
- Keep your eyes and mind open, be brave report the incidents of child abuse and child labor!!
- Remember the things you enjoyed your life just like a child
- The best way to make children good is to make them happy. Happy Children’s Day
- Never pass up on an opportunity to tell your kid, “I LOVE you”
- A child is a curly dimpled lunatic. Happy Children’s Day!
- A day to remember that children should be allowed to be children.
- A child can make inquiries that a shrewd man can’t reply
- Well loved and educated children will turn into gold; when we grow old!!
- Hugs can do extraordinary amounts of good for children
- Childhood represents the good in the world. Celebrate it today!
- Children find everything in nothing; men find nothing in everything
- Children, there are no words that depict that you are so uncommon to us.
- A child loved today will spread the love tomorrow!
- A child seldom needs decent verbal blistering as a decent listening to.