The Government Employees Insurance Company, headquartered in Chevy Chase, Maryland, is a private American vehicle insurance company. After State Farm, it is the second-largest vehicle insurer in the United States.
The name, after all, dates back to the company’s inception. Leo Goodwin, the company’s founder, first targeted government and military professionals in the United States. Of course, the company has evolved to serve a diverse spectrum of consumers, whether they work for Uncle Sam or in the private sector.
GEICO is a quintessential American success story, from its humble beginnings during the Great Depression to its current position as one of the country’s most successful firms. It was founded in 1936 by Leo and Lillian Goodwin and in 2002 it was able to pass the 5 million PIF mark.
Below are some catchy Geico Slogans in English.
- So easy a caveman can do it.
- Caring is only a click away.
- 15 minutes could save you 15% on car insurance.
- Have you been insured?
- Satisfy your Child’s Dream with Your life.
- Insurance and Protection for everything here.
- Be protected and drive safe.
- Your Love is presently protected.
- Here and there, terrible Stuff occurs! Buy Insurance Now.
- Complete, 24-hour service.
- Make your future safe.
- Insurance makes you stronger.
- Getting your family for a better future.
- A better worth of better insurance.
- A++ for Financial Stability.
- Secure now for better Futures.
- Think insurance for the future.
- Assurance is simply Click Away.
- Feel much improved, Live Better
- True serenity. Serene Life.
- Insurance, genuine feelings of serenity.
- Fortunately, you are insured.
- Constant Protection.
- Ensuring our Future Dreams.
- Find some kind of purpose for existing, Well Insured.
- The best insurance partners.
- Insurance is for each individual.
- We guarantee quality.
Below are some catchy Geico Slogans in French.
- Si facile qu’un homme des cavernes peut le faire.
- L’attention n’est qu’à un clic.
- 15 minutes peuvent vous faire économiser 15% sur votre assurance auto.
- Avez-vous été assuré ?
- Réalisez le rêve de votre enfant avec votre vie.
- Assurance et protection pour tout ici.
- Soyez protégé et conduisez en toute sécurité.
- Votre Amour est actuellement protégé.
- Ici et là, des choses terribles se produisent ! Achetez une assurance maintenant.
- Service complet, 24 heures sur 24.
- Assurez votre avenir.
- L’assurance vous rend plus fort.
- Assurez-vous un meilleur avenir à votre famille.
- Une meilleure valeur d’une meilleure assurance.
- A++ pour la stabilité financière.
- Sécurisez maintenant pour un meilleur avenir.
- Pensez assurance pour l’avenir.
- L’assurance est simplement à portée de clic.
- Se sentir mieux, vivre mieux
- Une vraie sérénité. Une vie sereine.
- L’assurance, un véritable sentiment de sérénité.
- Heureusement, vous êtes assuré.
- Une protection constante.
- Assurer nos rêves d’avenir.
- Trouver une raison d’exister, Bien assuré.
- Les meilleurs partenaires en matière d’assurance.
- L’assurance est pour chaque individu.
- Nous garantissons la qualité.
As of now, GEICO insures more than 28 million automobiles after passing 17 million policies in place in 2019. Based on quality coverage and outstanding GEICO customer service, the company anticipates much more growth.