Terrorism is the act of not abiding by the rules and regulations which are specified by the government. It involves taking human life and violating the criminal laws present in the country as a whole.
There can be violence against the persons or the property or the citizens of the country. It can have different objectives, such as political, as well as social. There can be both domestic as well as international terrorism, which is only about taking the life of innocents.
Moving forward, here are some of the Terrorism Slogans for you to read and understand.

Terrorism Slogans

  • Say no to terrorism!
  • Terrorism endangers the nation’s stability and peace.
  • Terrorism disturbs normalcy.
  • Terrorism destroys economic development.
  • Where there is terrorism, there is no peace and harmony!
  • Terrorism disrupts tourism.
  • When terrorism enters, peace is gone; banish terrorism!
  • Everybody stands with optimism, we have to stop terrorism
  • Terrorism threatens the well-being of the people
  • Spread awareness everywhere, that terrorism should never be anywhere.
  • If terrorism raises its ugly head, destroy it!
  • Terrorism brings to naught progress and prosperity!
  • Terrorism seeks to frighten; scare away terrorism!
  • We must remember our role; removing terrorism must be our goal.
  • Terrorism is a threat to the nation, remove it for better optimization.
  • Stop terrorism in its tracks; let peace and harmony flourish!
  • Terrorism is a menace for us; end it to serve your nation with purpose.
  • When terrorism is shunned, peace flourishes!
  • Terrorism is anti-national.
  • Disarm terrorism; fortify development!
  • Terrorism is unhealthy for the nation and the people
  • Anti-Terrorism quotes

  • “Our values and way of life will prevail – terrorism will not.” — John Linder
  • “Terrorism has no nationality or religion.” — Vladimir Putin
  • “I’ve never met anyone who wanted to be a terrorist. They are desperate people.”― John Perkins
  • “A traitor to both sides, the ultimate asshole.”― Mark M. Bello, Betrayal In Blue
  • “One of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror. ”― George W. Bush
  • With guns you can kill terrorists, with the education you can kill terrorism.”― Malala Yousafzai
  • “read thousands of books and I will power myself with knowledge. Pens and books are the weapons that defeat terrorism.” — Malala Yousafzai
  • “Everyone’s worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there’s really an easy way: Stop participating in it.”― Noam Chomsky
  • “The object of terrorism is terrorism. The object of oppression is oppression. The object of torture is torture. The object of murder is murder. The object of power is power. Now, do you begin to understand me?” — George Orwell, 1984

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